Place-Making Uptown Map
We warmly welcome you to the Uptown Saint John BIA, a vibrant area bursting with art, culture, and neighbourhood pride. Placemaking is one of the four pillars outlined in Uptown Saint John Inc.’s 3-year Strategic Plan. This page is devoted to highlighting our place-making projects that have given our Uptown core life and vitality. From stunning art installations to seasonal displays, something new and exciting is always happening in Uptown Saint John. Join us Uptown and explore the creativity and vibrancy of our community.
Find all the fantastic Uptown Place-Making spots in our map below, organized by categories;
- Uptown General Place-Making
- Uptown Box Art Series
- Seasonal Place-Making

“Portal” Sculpture
Uptown Saint John BIA is proud to sponsor Phil Savage’s sculpture, which you can see in front of City Hall in partnership with the City of Saint John.
Local artist Phillip Savage created the sculpture as part of the Sculpture Saint John Symposium held this summer. The sculpture is titled ‘Portal.’ He was inspired by the natural formation of sand and stone along the ocean coast and the old stone arches of the past.

Uptown Box Art Series
We are brightening up Uptown streets with our local art series; Uptown Box Art. The first phase was completed summer 2022 with Local artist Fabiola Martinez’s incredible piece titled ‘Integration,’ found at 47 Charlotte Street.
Phase 2 was completed in spring 2023 click the button to learn more,

Jardine Alley Activation
The alley is lit up with an interactive art installation that is picture-perfect! This Uptown Saint John BIA project is funded by the Rediscover Main Streets grant via the federal government.

Seasonal Place-Making
- Heart Photo Spot – Happy to See You Here Heart photo spot at our office 17 Canterbury Street.
- Lights on Prince William Street – 10+ trees lit along Prince William Street.
- Street Banners – Colourful 70+ street banners on Prince William Street from May to October.
- Tulips on King – Uptown Saint John Inc. has brought 11,000+ tulips to King street for over a decade in partnership with the City of Saint John. You can see them in bloom late May to June.
- Tables & Chairs in King’s Square (five sets)- For over a decade Uptown Saint John Inc. has provided the Square extra places for you to relax & sit during the summer months.
- Sparkles Festive Lights – We partner with Saint John Energy with the winter Sparkles lights program that can be found throughout the Uptown streets and King Square from mid-November to mid-January.