Tips for brick and mortar to secure their premises during a close down related to COVID 19, from the International Downtown Association.
For businesses whose operations are closed during this time, Ottawa Police have created a safety checklist to ensure your shop or restaurant remains secure. Police recommend the following guidelines:
- Keep the lights on
- Remove ALL cash and receipts
- Do not leave any valuables clearly visible or accessible
- All safes and tills should be emptied and moved off-site for safe storage
- Keep all cash drawers open to show that nothing is in the drawers
- All ATM’s should be emptied and moved off-site for safe storage
- All alcohol products removed from bar and put in secured storage areas (no alcohol left visible from outside)
- Consider posting “NO CASH or Valuables on Premises” signage
- Deactivate all scheduled FOB door openings (ie. Cleaners, deliveries, etc)
- Disconnect all kitchen gas lines from their gas source
- Make regular site visits to monitor your shop/business and to manage inventory and storage conditions (consider scattering the times this is done to not establish a pattern)